Ironman Training Diary: Week 3 – a 10k Personal Best

Training plan

MondayRest, 1 hour bike optionalRestYoga (yin, Yang)Yoga (Yin, Yang)
TuesdaySwim:2,200m optional run 45 -50 minsBike: 1:33 Strength: 31 minsBike: 1:33 Run: 4 to 5kBike: 1:34:58 Run: 4.09k
WednesdayBike: 70 minsSwim: 2,750m Strength: 31 mins swapped from TuesdaySwim with group (2,500m or more)Swim: 3,325m  
ThursdayRun 45 mins, strengthRestYoga: 1:00  Run: 1:02:12
FridaySwim 2,300mRun: 27 minsSwim: 2,300m  Run: 27:02 Yoga: 1:01:28
SaturdayBike 1 to 1:15, optional strengthRun: 25 minsBike: 75 minsRun: 25:01
SundayRun: 50 mins to 1hour, optional swim 2,000m, optional reset (stretch)Run: 10k race  Run: 10kRun: 59:21 10k

*10 Ironwomen training plan provided by Celia Boothman, lovetheraincoaching

Social runs and race category

A week with a day working from home and the rest of the week off. This made training easier to fit in and gave me the opportunity to fit in more yoga than usual. It also gave me chance to join 10IW for a social 5k.

I hadn’t intended to run on Tuesday morning, at least not with certainty but as I irritatingly woke at 5.30am. I had, since December, been meaning to join the group on a Tuesday morning, it was a good week for a first. Also, the days are getting longer so it wasn’t dark when I arrived at Victoria Park. The run was shorter than 5k but certainly faster than my social pace.

I have been fearful of joining group runs in the past, due to my ‘slower’ pace. However, I am slowly getting over that and was glad to have joined them. Besides, one of my favourite ways to start the day is exercise followed by coffee.

Another different thing about this week’s training was that I amended the category of my 10k race on Sunday from C to B. This completely changed the plan from a ‘normal’ training week with a 5 hour bike ride the day before the race, to a plan with a two rest days and short runs with some intensity on Friday and Saturday.

The taper worked and I finally got my 10k race time below an hour. I last managed that in my early thirties. Admittedly, at that time, I managed sub hour with little training. Not so now but a 59-minute 10k in my fifties is relatively faster than the same 20 years earlier!

Another great thing about being on leave this week was that I could swim with group until 8am time and then go for coffee. I usually have to get out 15 minutes early, cycle home, change bags, cycle to work, eat something and then teach trusts for a couple of hours.

Not much else to say about this week of training. I had a light week and was on leave. Finished the week feeling rested and happy with my race result.

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